Latest Site News
- 10/28/2001 - I am very happy to unveil a new feature at this site, forums. Here
you can discuss Univox and Westbury instruments as well as other obscure brands of guitars.
- 4/5/2001 - I finally got the '' domain name, whoo-hoo! Please update your bookmarks.
- I just finished adding a lot of info to the catalogs page. Unfortunately, I haven't
had a chance to add the info in those catalogs to the other pages, hopefully I will get
a chance to do that soon.
- Michael Wright's Guitar Stories book includes information on Univox, check it out for some history fo the company and info ont e instruments.
- I just finished adding info about Unicord Stage amps, Westbury amps and guitars, Heritage guitars and Matsuoka guitars. Now I need pictures if anyone has some.
- I'm trying to collect info about restoring Univox guitars/amps and effects, if anyone has found places that either restore
these items or have parts, even if they are generic parts or meant for another company's equipment, please tell me.